Hofmann Megaplan

Hofmann megaplan

Eine außergewöhnliche Erfolgsgeschichte mit den Wurzeln in 1931

megaline Ssence 3D/HD

The megaline SSENCE represents new HD/3D wheel alignment technology
megaline SSENCE_product
megaline Ssence 3D/HD megaline Ssence 3D/HD megaline Ssence 3D/HD megaline Ssence 3D/HD megaline Ssence 3D/HD

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megaTabSSENCE is fast, simple, and ideal for those customers looking to invest in the most advanced wheel alignment capability available on todays market. The software has been designed to make life as easy as possible for the operator, minimising unnecessary procedures commonly found on other, similar systems.

  • SSENCE 400: manual camera bar movement, perfect for working on a pit.
  • SSENCE 600: movement by motor, controlled by lift position. Full automatic.
  • High resolution cameras, small and light targets
  • System is delivered with AutoData® Database
  • All systems can be controlled by an ANDRIOD device.
  • Driver and Software is pre-installed. (Android® Device not included)
  • Trolley available as an option

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